By Beverley Wells
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read these feeble words. As I embark on this journey writing these words of encouragement, I promise that each of us need to be reminded to give time for this much needed area in your pastor's wife's life.
Your pastor's wife stands in great need of prayer in many areas of her life. If she would be honest, she would admit that she feels, and at times, falls so very short in her walk with the Lord. Surprisingly enough, she is human.
To alliterate the points, I will draw attention to what matters the most to her. I speak from experience because I am a pastor’s wife. She needs your prayers on behalf of her babe (hubby), babies (children), and body (herself).
Would you take the time to pray for her husband, your pastor? If you have had the opportunity to listen to the Swiataco family sing “Pastor's Wife’s Heart,” you will find the heart of your pastor's wife wrapped up in a nutshell. I know from my experience in the ministry there have been times that my husband could not share his burdens with me. I have often thought, "Will he make it through this vale of tears, terror, trauma, and tragedy?" Will you pray for your pastor when all is well for you and yours because it's likely that he is carrying someone else's burden, if not yours? If he is truly a pastor, there are nights that sleep does not come and the pangs of the ministry weigh heavily on him. Please remember to pray for him because he shares his life and heart with the whole congregation. He stands accountable for his flock. He watches for your soul! (Hebrews 13:7,17-18)
Would you pray for her babies? She needs your prayers for her children. We have, by the grace of God and the prayers of their grandparents, raised our children and they are serving the Lord in their adult life. Praise the Lord! Though they are grown, they still need prayer. So many pastors have lost their children to the world. When they are old enough to leave home, they walk away from the truth, not wanting anything to do with the ministry. So sad. May you not have to experience this. We need to make serving God a delight, not drudgery. This can seem impossible when the ministry is always full of waves of uncertainty; waves of sunshine and rain. Whatever the tool used to pull them away, your pastor and his wife will always yearn for their children to serve the Lord.
I know that it is ultimately a personal choice to serve the Lord. It's a heart matter that stands in need. Pray for her babies. Outside of Christ, that child is the heartbeat of two souls that have united in love and their desire is to see that child succeed in salvation and service. Hear your pastor’s wife’s heart as she cries for her children! Pray away the vultures that desire the souls of your pastor’s wife’s children.
Would you pray for her, your pastor’s wife? She stands in great need of your prayers. She often feels lonely and as if she is on an island by herself. She will never have the privilege to have close knit friends as she will risk offending others who may become jealous of her relationship with others. If she has the gift of friendships outside of her congregation she is indeed blessed. I'm thankful for my mother and father-in-law. When I see my husband is in need of prayer, or I am struggling myself, I can go to them and confidently know that they will pray with us through the darkness.
Your pastor’s wife will be misunderstood by her stand, her opinion, and her separation. She has been given a position that at times is out of her comfort zone. She may rather serve and follow than direct and delegate.
She struggles with keeping things balanced physically, emotionally, and spiritually when opposition comes against her family. Or when church members make poor choices that lead or have the potential to lead into sin? These foolish choices bring on great burdens for her husband as he has to deal with all kinds of situations with discernment and grace. She struggles with how to love others who are or have been engaged in sin and sinful behavior. She's expected to have a pleasant disposition in all situations so others will not detect problems within the flock. It's necessary for her to stifle the voice that wants to shout, “Wake up, what are you doing? How could you be so blind when the warning was sounded out?” Your pastor’s wife needs your prayers.
What can you do for the pastor's wife? You can pray! Pray that the stones that Satan has designed to take her and her family out are crushed to powder by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lay before the Lord on her behalf. She is made of the same stuff that you are, she is not perfect and never will be. She has and will have faults and failures. Help her to rise above the circumstances and reach the potential that lies within her. Forgive her shortcomings and aid her. She needs that prayer warrior that will fight with her, not against her.
I will finish off with a side note: serving the Lord has been worth it all. Some things I wouldn't want to go through again, but for me, there is no other life than one spent with Christ! Living in Christ with no regrets!
As she prays for yours, remember to pray for hers! Will you pray for your pastor’s wife?
I Timothy 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.