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Waiting Faithfully

Sarah Russell

By Sarah Russell

He hath made every thing beautiful in his time:

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.”
~ Psalm 104:27

“The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season.”

~ Psalm 145:15

Where I live in the south, seasons are not always what you think they should be! Many a Thanksgiving, my family and I have sat around the back deck in short sleeve shirts, sipping on iced tea, and enjoying a slice of pumpkin pie. Definitely not the sweater weather you would expect. But that is the south we know and love!

Life is a lot like that. Seasons come, and seasons go. Oftentimes the season is unexpected.

Sometimes, we are ready for a new season, and other times, we are begging the Lord to let this season last a little longer. Sometimes, it is a waiting season. Those seasons can be hard and frustrating.

I have been in a few different waiting seasons in my life. It can challenge your faithfulness to the Lord and His ways when He calls you to the waiting season. So, what are we supposed to do in these times? Well, the first thing to do is “be still.” When God calls us to wait, we can be sure that it is for a divine purpose. Stay where you are and wait. Do not try and rush ahead of God’s time.

Second is to continue being faithful to your daily relationship with Christ. Read and pray faithfully!
Remind yourself that He has always been faithful to you and will continue to be.
Lastly, remain in the appointed work He has given you. Maybe that is teaching Sunday school, singing specials, caring for an elderly parent, or helping in ministries of your local church. Stay faithful in your work for Him.

Your waiting season may be waiting for a husband. Perhaps it is waiting for the Lord to bless you with a child. Maybe you are in a particularly hard season, and you are waiting for a new, more joyful time.

Your waiting season will come to an end. And a new season will begin!
If you have remained faithful in your time of waiting, just imagine how much more joyful your new season may be! In His time, in His way, and sometimes not in the way we expect, He brings joy. But His ways and His timing are always perfect. So, remain faithful, my sister! He is ever faithful, and He is always only good.

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