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Joy in Life’s Little Moments

Highly Favoured Life

By Grace Shiflett

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; Isaiah 61:10a

So many times in the hustle and bustle of life, we do not take the time to recognize that every little moment we are given is an opportunity to live in the joy of the Lord. As a born again child of God, we have so much in which to rejoice. Take time to slow down and enjoy what may seem like little unimportant moments. To live in a continual state of joyfulness, we may have to lay aside some distractions that have possibly become weights in our life (Hebrews 12:1). Put away your distractions and give space for living joyfully in every moment.

I know personally I struggle with a scattered mind with everything coming at us on a daily basis. If we are not careful, we will set a pattern of living like a robot. With so much happening in our crazy schedules, we fail to look around and take it all in with joy. Every moment we have is a gift. That thought alone should motivate us with a desire to not take for granted all the joyful moments. If I am not careful, I will get so busy with my everyday life that at the end of the day, I will look over my life and realize that not even one time did I live in the fullness of joy. The Lord wants His children to experience joy! If we choose joy, we can successfully do both our daily responsibilities and keep a joyful heart.

Do you ever wonder why we grow weak in our faith? Maybe we have forgotten the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). With each new day that you are given, try to get in the habit of choosing to live in joy through Christ. The definition of joy is “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Life is too short not to choose joy.

Ask God daily to renew your heart and mind in this area. We can all agree that a joyful life is the desire we all have. That life will only start when we learn to live in joy in every little moment we have been given.


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